viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

My Future Job

Hello! for today I'm going to talk about my future job. As I said before in other post,  I like to continuos my study in ethnomusicology, because I love the music topics, related with popular or folclore traditions.  IT is for this reason that I like to work in a job which is linked to the music... I have no idea about what specific topic, but considering my career I think in some like a ethnographic research or for some institution like culture's ministry, culture house... or I don't know... in the university?.   The true is that I have no idea about my future. Ok,  I doubt that anyone knows as a known fact what the future holds, but  What I mean is that it is really difficult for me say it. Sometimes I think about the topic and I imagine my dream job... and  be honest with myself, I think that I want to work playing music,  travelling for many counters, meeting differents and interesting people, etc. And not  only investigating other peoples for specific oportunities... I like my career, but sometimes I feel that is very difficult think get a good job for me..  wich makes me happy, but also I think that I will not gain anything stressed in this manner. Finally, the most important is not foget that I will do what will make me happy,