viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Sample Post 1

Hello, for today I'm going to talk about one country that I would like to visit.
Sometime I think that I'm so little and the world it's so biggest.  I don't know one especific country I want to visit, but In my life, I  want to visit many country, like  France, England Japan, China, etc. 

For example I would like to visit france, because since I was a little child, I think that france it's one of the most beautiful crountry in the world, I don't know why, maybe because the movies or the romance stories influence me. But now, I have other reasons, like france it's the cradle of ethnomusicology, and I would like to continue my studies in this country, but that it's only a dream...  

Other country I would like to go is Japan, because always seems to a strange and  fascinating country, the oriental culture have many differents aspects in many different things. Furthermore, I always  think that the most spectacular arquitecture of the world is in the Asian continent, one of the dream of my life is visit the china's wall. 

I don't know if in this moment I have enough courage for travelling alonne to these countries, for this reason I think that first, I have to travelling to latinoamerican countries and know more about the differents cultural contexts of my country. I know a little number of cities in Chile. 

1 comentario:

  1. i want to visit japan so much! and i like a lot the ethnomusicology, i think that in japan, the armony is very particular!
